Depression Therapist in Longmont

Longmont therapist david ejchorszt. Offering counseling in depression and anxiety in Longmont, Boulder County, Colorado

Depression Therapy in Longmont, CO

David Ejchorszt, LCSW

Hello, my name is David Ejchorszt (pronounced eye-corst). I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. I have over 10 years’ experience assisting individuals to overcome their mental health concerns related to depression.

I believe in providing caring compassionate therapy geared towards your goals. I specialize in Solution Focused interventions and Cognitive Behavioral interventions for improving depression.

I would love to meet you. For a Free Consultation: Call (720) 675-7016 or Email: [email protected]

My office is conveniently located at 601 South Bowen St, Ste 202, Longmont, CO 80501 and serves patients from Boulder CO, Denver CO, Loveland CO, Longmont CO, Superior CO, Lafayette CO, Broomfield CO, Erie CO, and Niwot CO.

Treatments and Hope for Depression

Depression therapist David Ejchorszt is experienced and compassionate and understands what depression feels like.

Depression is a widespread condition affecting millions, casts a shadow over your joy, functioning, and overall well-being. Left unchecked, its grip can tighten, leading to deeper despair and isolation.

But there is hope. You have the power to reclaim your happiness and health.

Fortunately, mental health professionals have developed a diverse range of evidence-based depression therapies and counseling approaches specifically designed to address depression.

Don’t let depression control you. Take the first step towards healing and embark on a journey towards a brighter future with About Balance Counseling in Longmont, Colorado, and depression therapist David Ejchorszt as your guide.

Types of Depression

Major depressive disorder (MDD), also known as clinical depression. Individuals with major depression experience intense feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness for a prolonged period, often lasting for at least two weeks. They may have difficulty concentrating, feel fatigued, and lose interest in activities they used to enjoy. MDD can be debilitating and may require long-term treatment, including therapy and medication.

Persistent depressive disorder (PDD), previously known as dysthymia. This form of depression is characterized by long-term, lasting feelings of sadness, but with milder symptoms compared to MDD. People with PDD may experience a lack of energy, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, and low self-esteem. The symptoms of PDD can persist for years, making it challenging for individuals to function normally in their day-to-day lives.

Other Types of Depression: Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), bipolar disorder, postpartum depression, and psychotic depression. SAD is a seasonal form of depression that typically occurs during the winter months when there is less sunlight. Bipolar disorder, alternatively, involves extreme mood swings between depressive lows and manic highs. Postpartum depression affects women after giving birth and can have a significant impact on both the mother and her newborn. Lastly, psychotic depression is characterized by severe depression combined with symptoms of psychosis, such as hallucinations and delusions.

Symptoms of Depression

Depression encompasses more than just sadness – it is a serious medical condition involving intense feelings of hopelessness, despair, worthlessness, and exhaustion that persist for weeks or longer and impair daily life. Possible causes range from traumatic experiences and grief to biological factors like brain chemistry imbalances or genetics. 

List of Depression Symptoms that Affect Mental Wellness:

  • Hopelessness
  • Despair
  • Worthlessness
  • Exhaustion
  • Lack of Interest in Hobbies and Daily Life

Holistic and Integrated Treatment for Depression

Over half of those with depression also suffer from anxiety. Integrated treatment plans addressing both proves most effective.

Anxiety refers to excessive, difficult-to-control worry about everyday occurrences that manifests physically through tension, panic attacks, and other forms of emotional distress.

Though separate diagnoses, anxiety and depression have considerable overlap in thought patterns, chemical responses, genetics and more.

You’re not alone if you’re battling depression. It’s a common issue, but that doesn’t make it any less difficult to handle. You can develop effective strategies for managing depression, empowering you to take control of your life.

Depression therapy isn’t just about managing symptoms.

It’s about understanding the root cause of your depression and learning strategies to cope.

So, whether you’re considering therapy for the first time or looking to understand it better, you’re in the right place.

The Role of Depression Therapists in Caring for Depression Symptoms

In a judgment-free space, depression therapists provide a safe haven for clients to explore and express their feelings, anxieties, and fears related to depression. This can lead to a deeper understanding of their emotional landscape and a path towards managing difficult emotions.

Licensed mental health professionals, including psychologists, clinical social workers, professional counselors, and other qualified clinicians, play a vital role in helping individuals manage depression. They offer a unique and supportive environment for:

  1. Processing Complex Emotions: In a judgment-free space, depression therapists provide a safe haven for clients to explore and express their feelings, anxieties, and fears related to depression. This can lead to a deeper understanding of their emotional landscape and a path towards managing difficult emotions.
  2. Gaining Insight: Through various therapeutic techniques, therapists help clients gain insight into the underlying causes and triggers of their depression. This increased self-awareness empowers them to recognize patterns, identify unhealthy coping mechanisms, and develop more effective responses to their mental health challenges.
  3. Acquiring Lifestyle Skills: Depression can significantly impact daily life and functioning. Depression therapists equip clients with practical skills and strategies to manage stress, improve sleep, build healthy relationships, and cultivate self-care habits. By implementing these skills, individuals can build resilience and enhance their overall well-being.
  4. Tailored Treatment Plans: Therapists design personalized treatment plans based on each client’s unique needs and circumstances. These plans may draw upon various evidence-based therapeutic modalities, such as:
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Challenging and modifying negative thought patterns to reshape how individuals perceive and respond to situations.
  • Problem-Solving Therapy (PST): Developing effective strategies to tackle specific problems that contribute to depressive symptoms.
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): Accepting and letting go of unwanted thoughts and emotions while focusing on living a meaningful life in accordance with personal values.
  • Psychodynamic Therapy: Exploring the unconscious roots of emotional distress and relationship patterns to gain deeper self-understanding.

By combining these approaches, depression therapists can provide comprehensive support and guidance for lasting recovery and improved mental health.

Cognitive Therapy for Reframing Thoughts, Depression Symptoms

Cognitive behavioral therapy, deeply influenced by ancient Stoic philosophy, is a focused approach to depression therapy. It aims to enhance mental health by identifying and reframing distorted thought patterns that trigger and exacerbate symptoms of depression. Individuals often struggle with cognitive traps, such as catastrophizing setbacks, overgeneralizing failures as evidence of inherent flaws, and employing a “mental filter” bias that magnifies negatives and minimizes positives.

This therapy incorporates the cognitive triad, addressing the negative views of oneself, the world, and the future that typify depressive thinking. Cognitive therapists use methods like Socratic questioning, behavioral experiments to test beliefs against reality, and reframing situations with more balanced thinking. Additionally, behavioral activation plays a key role. This involves encouraging individuals to engage in activities that bring pleasure or a sense of accomplishment, counteracting the inertia and withdrawal symptomatic of depression.

Moreover, exposure therapy for avoidance behaviors is integrated to help individuals confront and gradually diminish the avoidance of situations or activities that contribute to their depression. By combining these strategies, cognitive therapy offers a comprehensive toolkit to restructure thinking patterns, promote behavioral engagement, and provide lasting relief from the grips of depression.

The Benefits of Counseling for Depression

Counseling equips you with the tools and skills to manage challenges associated with emotional disorders. Through targeted training, you can:

  • Build stress resilience
  • Master emotional regulation
  • Identify and challenge negative thought patterns
  • Communicate assertively and resolve conflict
  • Make informed decisions

Importantly, counseling also focuses on Relapse Prevention. This involves learning strategies to identify early warning signs of potential setbacks and employing techniques to prevent the recurrence of emotional difficulties. By doing so, counseling helps you maintain the progress you’ve made and stay aligned with your long-term goals.  When combined with healthy lifestyle changes, counseling empowers you to break free from limiting patterns and create a life that aligns with your values and goals. Take control of your well-being and embark on a journey towards lasting happiness.



depression therapists in longmont colorado, about balance counseling. treat depression and gain mental wellness

Exceptional Depression Care Available Locally – Therapist in Longmont, CO

In the Longmont and surrounding Boulder County area, residents seeking support for depression, anxiety, or other emotional struggles can find exceptional care locally with David Ejchorszt at About Balance Counseling.

As a qualified and compassionate Licensed Clinical Social Worker, David Ejchorszt is a therapist in Longmont, CO dedicated over 10 years to guiding individuals towards healthier and happier lives, despite life’s inevitable challenges. His approach, which includes Cognitive Behavioral and Solution-Focused therapies, is tailored to address the unique mental health needs of each person, helping them to feel empowered, peaceful, and purposeful.

Hope & Healing for Depression – How Can About Balance Counseling Help You Today?

At About Balance Counseling, a customized care plan incorporating multiple therapeutic modalities offers hope for those grappling with stubborn depression.

Clients benefit from evidence-based interventions and gain the skills and insight needed for ongoing progress and a joyous, purpose-filled life.

If depression has been a persistent challenge reaching out to depression therapist David Ejchorszt could be a pivotal step towards specialized care tailored to your specific situation. You can contact him at: Phone: (720) 675-7016 or Email: [email protected].